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HCG Diet Doctors in Texas

I just turned 66 years old and recently had to undergo some serious bilateral knee replacement surgery. If anyone knows anything about this kind of surgery, it’s pretty serious and takes a long time to recover. Most people who undergo total knee replacement surgery can take anywhere from 1 to 6 months before they can return to their everyday normal life activities and routine. I was only in the hospital for 3 days after the surgery, and at that time, I actually lost a little weight because I didn’t eat much. However, once I got home, everything changed. I spent all day and night for a few months sitting around and not moving too much. I was bored and unhappy, which means I ate and ate to try to comfort myself and fill the lonely void. That also means that I was not able to burn the calories I was consuming, and I gained a substantial amount of weight within 3 months of being pretty stagnant either in my bed or on the couch. I was able to move around with a walker though, but not for long walking distances. I did not want to be overweight and started to feel pretty badly about myself. I thought about looking into having HCG Diet Doctors in Texas help me to lose the weight. I heard that the program was very safe and effective using natural hormones that were already being produced in my body. After all, I truly did not want to put anymore heavy medications in my system after all the pain meds I was taking. I had weaned off the pain pills though and was no longer taking them, so when I called the toll free number on the website, the clinical advisor said that after I shared my medical history, it would have to be reviewed by one of their HCG Weight Loss Doctors. She said that the process of being cleared medically in order to go onto the weight loss program was not long and that from what I already told her verbally about my history, she had confidence that this program would be a good fit for me. However, How to Get HCG Injections Prescribed by a Doctor was to complete my full history online. This was great news to hear because I didn’t have to wait long and when I finally got word from the clinical advisor, I was happy to discover that I was a great candidate for the program! The doctor said that as long as I was off the major pain killers I took after my surgery and was able to have a full night’s sleep without pills, that I was ready to start losing weight.

Since the HCG Diet Program did not require any exercise for the full 6 weeks of the plan, that was great for me because I was still walking with a walker and taking it easy on my knees. I would not have been able to do this program if I had to stick to an exercise routine. That, I was told, would come after the 6 week weight loss program was completed. The clinical advisor said that the program which involved 4 different phases, actually discouraged strenuous physical activity for the time I was on the diet plan. The program protocol was what was truly imperative to follow and every client on the program must stick strictly to the instructions given for each phase. She said that might sound very difficult, but it was not! The program required following the schedule for the HCG Injections with the Vitamin B-12 and staying on the 700 calorie diet. She was very adamant about it being very simple, easy and convenient and that it did not drastically change one’s life activities at all. It just did not call for any working out, but clients could still follow their everyday routines. That was why this program is so great for busy people, people who work a lot or travel a lot. The program does not get in the way of daily life or make one feel jittery or edgy because they are hungry.

So, I was ready to go. The clinical advisor set me up with the HCG Diet Doctors in Texas Prescribe HCG Injections and she explained in detail how to self inject the hormones and what kinds of foods I would be eating. She said she would be there every step of the journey and she was! I am very thrilled to report that my entire lifestyle has changed. Not only because the way I would care for my knees after my surgery, but also how I would be caring for my new and improved body! How great it felt to be a normal weight again – and I planned on staying that way for the rest of my life!

Becky T.
Dallas TX

[To protect the confidentiality of our clients, the above names have been changed. The stories represent composites of our client’s commentary.]